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From business planning to project management – how to be/become an effective manager in the face of

  • Termin: Do ustalenia
  • Lokacja: Do uzgodnienia.
  • Cena netto: Do uzgodnienia
  • Inne:
    Szkolenie otwarte.
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Organizator szkolenia:


  • 30-218 Kraków, Małopolskie
  • Podłącze 31
  • Telefon: 012 399 41 92
  • Fax: 012 383 23 45
  • Email: szkolenia.otwarte@avenhansen.pl
  • www: www.szkolenia.avenhansen.pl
Firma szkoleniowa AVENHANSEN Sp. z o.o.

Ogłoszenie wprowadziło Cię w błąd, lub zawiera niepoprawne dane?

From business planning to project management – how to be/become an effective manager in the face of today’s business challenges>>>


An intensive 2-day workshop dedicated to help organizations develop managers at all levels. The meeting is especially recommended for all who are at present or are going to be first time responsible for managing, leading or supervising of business planning and processes in enterprises, companies and in start-ups. During the training they will gain practical knowledge, skills and tools how to achieve expected results in particular projects starting from idea, continuing through elaborating of complex business plans and KPI (Key Performance Indicators) up to implementation into practice in terms of management.

Regardless of sector, majority of businesses are today very competitive and demanding. It requires appropriate knowledge, skills and social competencies combined with managerial roles and functions like planning, organizing, leading  and controlling of inputs, processes and outputs.  

A lot of challenges in project management result that only a small part of companies complete their projects in success. That is why delivery projects successfully means taking care of a lot activities and processes such as achieving of the defined objectives, present position in the market, foreseeing potential risk, proper communication, managing resources, monitoring of KPI.

Research data show that many failures in businesses begin with planning errors. Therefore the preparation process of strategic plans should be preceded by both external and internal analysis of circumstances that may have a profound influence on business performance. Next identified problems are strongly connected with a poor communication of people involved in the projects and an insufficient monitoring of unexpected risks that may occur during a full project life cycle. Rapidly changing environment requires analysis and controlling of project scope and final project deliverables having regard to specifics of project and context related factors that may result that businesses succeed or fail. All the above factors cause necessity of constant defining and up-dating (in every project phase) plans, tasks and responsibilities of a project manager and project team members.


Workshop benefits:

Participants of the training acquire skills how think critically, react in unexpected business situations and how find new ways of doing business. They will know how to understand and realize, step-by-step, an effective decision making process, asses both favorable and unfavorable success factors affecting the organization and manage key drivers that are necessary for company’s success.

The meeting is a practical guide how to identify environment, assess risks, make decisions and solve problems connected with planning and business performance. Presented concepts and knowledge acquired during workout allow participants to put them into practice. After the workshop they will be able to elaborate strategic plans as an essential roadmap for business success.

They achieve knowledge combined with skills how to look for possible solutions and communicate them to group including multicultural teams. Participants will learn or strengthen skills how to asses possibilities and treats in a way of achieving goals, adapt appropriate strategies to situation and then measure progress of estimated outcomes in particular projects.

Added values of the workshop will be a coach session focused on problems and risk identification and solving focused on real business plans and realization of particular parts of the projects.



Modul I: Core competencies of manager.

  1. Managerial roles and functions – differences and similarities.
  2. Attributes of effective managing, leading and supervising.
  3. Communication – how to convince people to “a joint project”.
  4. Leadership – how to organize and lead teamwork.
  5. Engagement – how to motivate people.
  6. Change – what do we choose: continuous improvement or strategic innovation.
  7. Organizational culture as a glue between people and company.

Modul II: Factors of business success.

  1. Kick off meeting – how to communicate about projects.
  2. Competitive advantage – how to achieve and maintain core competencies of firm.
  3. Market niche – how to find niche opportunities to create unique product or service.
  4. Stakeholder management – how attract partners of planned or existed projects.
  5. Benchmarking – creative adaption that helps in growth.

Modul III: Strategic analysis and business planning.

  1. Sector, market and internal analysis – review of most effective tools.
  2. SMART concept – specific, measurable, achievable, result-oriented, time-bound.
  3. Business plan – what a successful plan should contain (structure of business plan, project scope, outputs projects).
  4. Strategic goals and plans –  how to implement them into practice.
  5. Business model and business strategy – differences and similarities.

Modul IV: Project management cycle.

  1. Resources, tasks, expectations - from initiative and planning to execution and control.
  2. Project phases analysis: identification, designing, implementation, evaluation, monitoring.
  3. Project management  – how to transform from planning to performance.
  4. Key Performance Factors – how to measure a value based on specific business goals and targets.
  5. Risk management – from risk identification to risk treatment.
  6. Controlling - monitoring and up-dating of estimated business objectives.


Trainer and coach
Maciej Rogala
an expert in business planning, leadership and career development, strategic and risk management,  specialized in training how to elaborate effective business plans and transform them into profitable projects in many sectors. As results-driven coach, trainer and advisor he works with executive management. Together with participants of workshops he looks for “key business drivers” that can help achieve success and checks for threats that can destroy or weaken planned strategies. 


Standard services included in training price:

  • Perfect training materials.
  • Very good methods & training techniques.
  • Possibility of professional trainer’s help at website forum: www.forum-szkolenia.pl
  • Training certificates for participants.
  • Katering: Lunch and coffee breaks


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From business planning to project management – how to be/become an effective manager in the face of, Szkolenie Medyczne, Zarządzanie, marketingowe, zarządzanie, zdrowie publiczne, menedżerskie, kierownicze, zarządzanie zmianą, . otwarte

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